Rahul Mehra – Redefining the craft beer scene

Sometime in early 2011, Rahul Mehra, then posted in the Delhi office of TJUK Trade Networks, a food distribution company, was helping his American neighbour relocate to the US. In her luggage was a box labelled ‘Make Your Own Beer’. Intrigued, he wanted her home brewing kit. She willingly obliged. Within a week, he drank his homebrew, pulled out a sheaf of paper and wrote his resignation letter. “I knew this is what I wanted to do,” says Mehra, 29, co-founder and partner of the Mumbai-based Gateway Brewing Company. That is also where the problems began. First, his mum flipped. “When I told her I wanted to start a brewery, she thought I had lost it,” he chuckles. (It later transpired that this was the least of his worries.) Mehra trawled through pages of Google search to find another person with a similar interest. That’s how Navin Mittal, who runs the Indian Beer Geek blog, came on board. So did Krishna Naik, an IT executive who had interned at Sydney’s brewpubs.

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