Beer Testing with Russell from Northern Monk

One of the perks of setting up a brewery is meeting with other brewers and tasting their beers. On a recent visit, Russell from Northern Monk dropped by to give us a taste of their beers. One word for their beers – WOW.


Their New World IPA  blew us away. Crystal clear amber liquid goodness filled with American and British hops. Excellent mouth feel, smooth taste and a lingering bitterness left us wanting more. Strannik, their Imperial stout was rich and luscious. Perfect for pairing with dark chocolate, as pointed out by Russell, but in our opinion, it would do wonderfully with any kind of desert. Yum!


How could it be that they give us beer and we don’t give them any? Well, they tried our White Zen & IPA and liked them very much. They also tried some of our other, still to be launched, brews and loved them too. So much so that there is talk about collaboration. We will give them our recipe which brings Indian flavors to their customers in UK and in return, we will get an authentic English Ale recipe. Too much fun! Can’t wait to brew the recipe and give everyone a taste. Cheers to that!

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